
Plinth et al

The platform between art and horticulture. 





There is no other place that I go to where I feel as motivated as I do when I am at DeWiersse, it recharges my creativity to full capacity.  It is a difficult balance but I manage as best as I can, all of the sketching, photography, gardening, and arranging.  It a great pleasure to be in such a beautiful environment that I find it hard to sit still, there is too much to do, to see, to enjoy. I drink it all up like a dry sponge and try to capture as much as I can in my sketchbooks. I alternate my materials between pen, pencil, colored pencil, and watercolor but the subject is always the same, the breathtaking beauty of DeWiersse and the surrounding Dutch countryside. I would happily spend the rest of my life filling up books with these scenes if it were up to me. Enjoy the journey of the garden through sketches... - James




Pressed Poppies

Pressed Poppies

'Right from the beginning...'