Forget-me-Not (Myosotis sylvatica)

Forget-me-Not (Myosotis sylvatica)


At Plinth et al. we like to offer the platform for our readers to share an image and/or a short story to be featured under a few of our headings, such as Tuesday's Terrace and Sojourn*, which are described below.

  • Tuesday's Terrace is a weekly photographic feature that focuses on  private and public terraces and spaces from around the world. This single image, with a short description can be a creative space with plants and/or sculpture from anywhere around the world.
  • Sojourn*  is a mood piece consisting of one image accompanied by a short write up (100-150 words) capturing the time and place of a certain travel memory. This can be a recent trip or one from the past, all that matters is that your words take us back to relive your certain memory, with the aid of your image, from anywhere around the world.
  • My Favorite Plant is a profile of a plant (100-150 words) that has special sentimentality or has been admired in a garden. It can be simple as a grandmother's favorite peony or the sight of seeing a rare alpine plant in a craggy rock face. A single image would illustrate the subject. 

All photographs must be submitted by the author of the email, should be clear and in focus and will be watermarked with your name.  Please make sure all images are your own, are of a high resolution and are sent as a jpeg. In a way to say thanks, we are happy to link the post to your personal blog, website, or Instagram account.  Drop us an email and we can talk.