Spring Floral Arrangement I
Spring seems to be all about the gentleness or softness of the landscape and its colors. A touch of creamy yellows from the unopened buds of Cytisus scoparius and Leucadendron ‘Safari Goldstrike' add warmth to white hellebores and ivory pink tulips. The vase has been covered with individual leaves of Stachys byzantina, its grey tones picked by the eucalyptus fruits. Because hellebores do not last more than a day as cut stems, they do need to be replaced if the arrangement is to last more than a day as a centerpiece.
The plants include the following:
Brachyglottis greyi (daisy bush)
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom)
Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus)
Hedera helix (English ivy)
Helleborus x hybridus (hellebore)
Leucadendron ‘Safari Goldstrike’ (yellow conebush)
Narcissus (daffodils)
Stachys byzantina (lamb's ears)
Tulipa (tulip)
Viburnum (viburnum)
~ Eric