
Plinth et al

The platform between art and horticulture. 

Sunday Clippings

Sunday Clippings

Palacio de Galiana, Toledo, Spain The heat of summer is in full swing here in Spain, and Madrid is often referred to as 'the inferno' by city dwellers.  These days trips out of the city are necessary to cool down a bit.  This weeks edition of Sunday Clippings is a pretty meaty list and covers all of our favorite bases, from art to horticulture. Click on the links below for some good reads, podcasts and some videos.  Enjoy your Sunday.... - James

Anatomy of a Garden: Stone Arches

Anatomy of a Garden: Stone Arches

Suit & Tie Horticulture, Oporto, Portugal

Suit & Tie Horticulture, Oporto, Portugal