
Plinth et al

The platform between art and horticulture. 

Sunday Clippings

Sunday Clippings


This week seems to exalt in the cornucopia of autumn from freezing heirloom tomatoes whole for cooking during winter, Britain's bountiful autumn in years, the British artist Louis Turpin's artistic celebration of English gardens, the richness of the newly discovered Vincent Van Gogh painting, and Constance Spry being launched as a drama show. Preserving Heirloom Tomatoes by Freezing

Constance Spry on Stage

New Vincent Van Gogh Painting Discovered

Britain's Bountiful Autumn

Louis Turpin: the fine art of an English garden


Francois de la Rochefocauld

Francois de la Rochefocauld

Stoking the Fall Fire

Stoking the Fall Fire