
Plinth et al

The platform between art and horticulture. 

Sunday Clippings

Sunday Clippings


No theme links the various news this week as we bounce from new tulips to art cities of the future to a cocktail recipe to a new rose-covered bridge in London. Autumn brings the return of the creative classes from their summer holidays to the cities and suburbs, and their return means new projects and missions on the horizon whether it be prosetylizing kale to Parisians, creating a new cocktail, or breeding new vegetables for culinary stars of the Western World. Enjoy the clear blue skies, cold mornings, and warm sweaters, not to mention apples, mums, and pumpkins! Best new tulips for glamour

James van Sweden's Death

Sowing a Change in Kitchens

Cocktail Hour: Grapefruit Gin and Tonic

Art Cities of the Future

The Kale Crusader in Paris

Recycling Expired Food into Cheap Meals

Rose-covered bridge over the Regent's Canal

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/68440901]

My fake plants...

Buying Gourds