
Plinth et al

The platform between art and horticulture. 

Sunday Clippings

Sunday Clippings


DSC_0400 This past week's Sunday Clippings takes on an ecological and agricultural slant rather than a horticultural one. Only one article, a profile of a British potter's garden, relates to horticulture directly while the remainder concern agriculture (almonds, urban agriculture, and trendy foods), plant classification (the dying of Latin names), and plant ecology (the cell architecture of a tree). Just as we had thought that the sweltering summer temperatures were long gone, the heat returned again this past week and only yesterday did autumnal temperatures resumed. The cool was ever perceptible this morning, and a gorgeous day followed!

Potter's rural garden casts a late-season spell @TelegraphUK

Mother Nature's Daughters @NYTimes

Could Latin species name die out? @TelegraphUK

The Dark Side of Almond Use @The Atlantic

Exploring a Tree, One Cell at a Time @NYTimes

The Hot Pursuit of Kale and Its Trendy Friends, and Rumors of Shortages @NYTimes

"I am hopelessly..."

Dear Jimmy: Ode to Orange

Dear Jimmy: Ode to Orange